Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 4, 2013

Brandon finally came home today.  After being with him for 9 straight days, having him gone for 2 days seems like forever!!  But pretty much as soon as he got home his pager went off and he was back out on a call for Pima.  Ugh!  The life of a medic.   Jordan and I again slept in which was just fine with me.  Once Brandon got home he pretty much spent the whole day out in the shop working on our entertainment center.  We would go out and check on him every once in a while.   We again watch several episodes of Friday Night Lights.  Obviously I was having a hard time getting back into the routine of life but I think it is always good to just have a couple days of laziness.

One new thing I learned about Jordan today is that she sometimes sleeps with her eyes open.  I laid her down for a nap.  I had to put her on our bed because her bedding was  being washed.  When I laid her down she was a little restless so I laid next to her to rub her back.  I too had my eyes closed enjoying the snuggles.  Once I heard her breaths deepen and her soft snore start I knew she was asleep so I could get up.  When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see that her eyes were very much open.  It kind of startled me and my first thought was she was not asleep but I quickly realized that she was very much asleep and just had her eyes opened still.  I tried to stretch behind me to get my phone without moving her cause I wanted a picture.  She moved a little and kind of closed  her eyes but I was able to get one picture.
Totally asleep!  Amber let me know that Jordan's big brother Logan is also known to be found sleeping with his eyes open.  :)

Since she was sleeping I decided I should probably get something done.  So I started to task of cleaning out the fridge and freezer.  :/  When I was done I stepped back and took a look and this is what I saw.

Needless to say, I decided we would be eating out that night since there was NO food left in the fridge!  After 6 months of Mary meals I guess it is time to go shopping.  But we did enjoy some yummy Casa Manana because of the empty fridge.

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