Friday, February 15, 2013

JM Day 5

Day 5 is complete!!!  It was so great to not have to get up so early to workout this morning. It was much better to eat first and then workout.
For breakfast I had Eggs, Bacon and Tomotoes again.  The bacon was perfect and it was so yummy.  I didn't have any avocados but it was still very yummy.
After breakfast settled I did my first workout.  It was Workout 2 today.

For lunch I had a Chef Salad

I missed my snack today since I slept in and all my meals were later then normal.  Probably not the best thing to do but it just happened. 

I spent my whole day at home trying to get our finances in order.  BLAH  but I did get my evening cardio done.  I was so proud of my self cause I did a whole set to fast feet without stopping!

For dinner I had Steak and salad and I am so glad I am another day down.  Not really looking forward to double cardio tomorrow but I will endure!!

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