Sunday, December 16, 2007

Temple Lights

The whole Little family decided we were all going to see the temple lights this year. The men were supposed to meet us there but after a long day installing and Brandon not feeling very well it ended up just being us girls, and jackson! But we had a great time. We started the night off with a great dinner at Red Robin were Joss loved to decorate her Aunt Jessie in her ranch dressing:) and then we headed off to the Temple. As always it was beautiful!!!

Jackson got his jammies on and was all bundles up to keep warm. He looked too cute in his hate and Hurley jacket not to take a picture.

Joss got all bundle up too. she lost the hat before she even got out of the car and the gloves were gone soon after. but she stayed nice and warm running all over with her Grandma.

The manger scene was pretty like always and Joss really liked the Baby.

I Think we all really liked it.

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